# DRIP Fountain

DRIP Fountain is the DRIP<>BNB native exchange area within the drip.community where you can buy and sell DRIP tokens.

# How does it work?

By connecting via the dApp of our wallet, it is possible to view the BNB balance held and exchange it for the DRIP token when buying or selling.

Wallet: Metamask or Safepal?

# Possible actions

  • Buy DRIP: the Buy DRIP section allows BNB to be transferred from the wallet to the swap/fountain contract to receive in DRIP at the current DRIP/BNB ratio. No fee is charged for the purchase.

  • Sell DRIP: the Sell DRIP section allows DRIP to be transferred from the wallet to the swap/fountain contract and paid for in BNB at the current DRIP/BNB ratio. A 10% fee is charged for the sale.

How to: Enter the DRIP FAUCET

How to: claim and sell $DRIP

# Drip Fountain Tax Explained

The purchase of the token via the internal swap section is tax-free. A commission of 10% is charged for the sale.


# Data

Once the wallet is properly connected, you can see some data:

  • Price: the current DRIP price in dollars
  • BNB Balance: the BNB balance in your wallet
  • DRIP Balance: the DRIP balance in your wallet

We can also find the real-time chart of the DRIP token's performance.

And a few statistics:

  • Supply: the number of DRIP currently in the Swap/Fountain Contract.
  • Contract Balance: the total BNB amount currently in the contract.
  • Transactions: the number of incoming/outgoing transactions carried out.