# Token & Contracts

The official list of Drip Network token addresses and contracts.


By clicking on the token address of your choice, you can access the resources of BSC SCAN BLOCKCHAIN EXPLORER, an analytics platform for BinanceSmartChain, where you can find all available public information, such as the total circulating supply, the transaction status, the balance of a wallet, and more.

# Smart Contracts Drip Network

Faucet: 0xffe811714ab35360b67ee195ace7c10d93f89d8c

Reservoir: 0xb486857fac4254a7ffb3b1955ee0c0a2b2ca75ab

Fountain/Swap: 0x4fe59adcf621489ced2d674978132a54d432653a

Vault: 0xbff8a1f9b5165b787a00659216d7313354d25472

Drip Broker 0xe56f83Ee7B5ED5F8b0f700c3B43B36ecAD6BD979

Drip Garden: 0x685bfdd3c2937744c13d7de0821c83191e3027ff

Drip Liberation: 0x1C3dED13e70d90fc6f50B48889e03E0972BA0a97

Drip Buddy System: 0x900D655425ecD9429c4f71BFd1dEAc5FF8C87344

# Smart Contracts Drip Drop Draw

Drip Drop Draw 0xDdB33A6613FBd73A3b9c39a04Cc15738E38da370

Drip TWAP 0x3d89D87D71B7E8199F91c86bFBeB559543c0e1a7

Drip Drop Draw Vault 0xDdB33A6613FBd73A3b9c39a04Cc15738E38da370

Chainlink Random Number Generator 0x195D5E21715a00ec3173B523ED7bFCd6D4F697aF

Marketing Wallet 0x195D5E21715a00ec3173B523ED7bFCd6D4F697aF


DRIP is the main token of the protocol, built on the blockchain BSC BEP20. It is subject to 10% taxation except when purchased in the Swap/Fountain section.

BSC BEP20 Address: 0x20f663cea80face82acdfa3aae6862d246ce0333


Official site: http://dripnetwork.io/

Telegram Group: https://t.me/DRIPtoken_Chat

Github: https://github.com/CryptoKira/drip.community.contracts


The PancakeSwap liquidity pair DRIP/BUSD LP BSC BEP 20 consists of 50% DRIP and 50% BUSD.

It is the LP token used to participate in AnimalFarm's DRIP GARDEN protocol or can be staked to farm DOGS, the yield token, in the relative liquidity pool farm.

Although the part related to DRIP is taxed at 10%, it is possible to create the tax-free pair by interacting with the DRIP LIBERATION contract, the official resource of the network.

Unpairing the DRIP/BUSD LP has a tax of 10% on the DRIP part of the pair.

BSC BEP20 Address: 0xa0feb3c81a36e885b6608df7f0ff69db97491b58



# $BR34P

The token BR34P is built on the BSC BEP20 blockchain and must be held in order to access the network rewards system of the DRIP FAUCET protocol.

Transaction fees of 2% are applied to both purchase and sale transactions. The first half of the fee is distributed to the token holders, while the second half is transferred to the "null" contract for permanent burning, reducing the total token supply.

The initial supply was 100k tokens, to date it is about 80k tokens.

BSC BEP20 Address: 0xa86d305a36cdb815af991834b46ad3d7fbb38523


Official site: https://br34p.finance

Telegram group: https://t.me/Br34P_Chat

GitHub: https://github.com/br34p/

# $R34P

The R34P is the token built on the blockchain ERC 20, in order to access the R34P DAO, it is necessary to possess 300 R34P tokens.

Purchase or sale transactions are taxed at 2%, the first half is distributed to the holders and the second half is sent to the "null" contract to be permanently burned and removed from circulation.

The initial supply was 100k tokens, to date it is about 80k tokens.

ERC 20 Address: 0xcaeaf8381d4b20b43afa42061d6f80319a8881f6


Telegram group: https://t.me/R34Ptoken

UniSwap: https://app.uniswap.org


The Drop, formed by the liquidity pair DRIP/BNB, is formed by depositing BNB in the DRIP RESERVOIR contract.

BSC BEP20 Address: 0x4fe59adcf621489ced2d674978132a54d432653a

Official site: https://drip.community/reservoir

Telegram group: https://t.me/DRIPreservoir


The liquidity pair DRIP/BUSD LP on PancakeSwap, based on the BSC BEP20 standard, is composed by providing an equal value amount of DRIP and BUSD.

The DRIP/BUSD LP token is utilized for participation in the Drip Garden protocol.

While transactions involving DRIP are subject to a 10% tax, it is possible to create a tax-free pair by interacting with the DRIP LIBERATION contract, an official resource of the network.

Unpairing the DRIP/BUSD LP has a tax of 10% on the DRIP part of the pair.

BSC BEP20 Address: 0xa0feb3c81a36e885b6608df7f0ff69db97491b58
