# Introduction

Referral links may be included on any outbound link.

# Drip Drop Draw

The Drip vision is to be the leader in passive income generation by providing innovative DeFi solutions with multiple systems feeding into Drip to ensure long-term sustainability and viability.

Drip Drop Draw UI
How to use - Drip Drop Draw

This includes things such as, the new incredible Layer 2 of Drip, called DRIP DROP DRAW (DDD). Funded by the community and developed by Forex Shark in conjunction with some dedicated members of the R34P DAO.

Using DDD, players not only have the opportunity to win incredible rewards through a series of draws, but they also actively contribute to locking Drip in the Faucet, reducing minting, and deflating the circulating supply.

These draws are conducted with unique, verifiable, and random outcomes, utilizing Chainlink's systems to ensure decentralization.

DRIP DROP DRAW will serve as the game theory system for the Drip token, offering 7 prize tiers that are paid out as Drip and sent directly to the winner’s Faucet.

The Drip Network, the Drip Development Team and the Drip Community is constantly seeking new ways to enhance its offerings with a strong commitment to financial education, passive income and investor protection.

Drip Drop Draw Tickets


Referral Rewards

Onboarding System

Drip Drop Draw has immediately become an important core part of the Drip Network Revolution.

Drip Drop Draw UI

Its integration as a Layer 2 feature brings a steady flow of value into the Drip Tax Vault, supporting the long-term vision of Drip and enabling exponential growth for the entire ecosystem.

Participation offers players the chance to:

  • Increase their own Drip Faucet deposits
  • Increase Drip locked in the Faucet
  • Increase Drip being sent to the Tax Vault
  • Reduce or even stop inflation/minting
  • Earn free tickets with the referral system
  • Gift tickets and deposit on behalf of others.
  • Fund marketing initiatives for Drip.

This shows how powerful the Drip Drop Draw initiative is for Drip.

Drip Drop Draw operates as a community-driven project, prioritizing the collective interests over individual developer profits. There are no developer fees, instead a percentage of the proceeds is directed towards a Drip Marketing Wallet - the funds of this will be spent on marketing initiatives that aim to promote Drip to a wider audience and also to finance the automation of the contracts operating behind DDD.

# How it works

The gameplay mechanics of Drip Drop Draw are as simple as they are effective. Players participate by purchasing tickets, and winners are randomly selected through a decentralized and verifiable system.

All prizes are paid out in DRIP and deposited directly into the winners' Drip Faucet.

One of the most groundbreaking aspects of Drip Drop Draw is its revenue distribution model, where ultimately 99% of the generated income is directed towards the Drip Faucet or Tax Vault.

Players have the option to enter by either Depositing or Sacrificing via the use of DRIP, BUSD, or BNB to purchase tickets.

To incentivize fresh capital injections, bonus tickets are awarded to those who enter with BUSD or BNB.

The highest amount of bonus tickets is awarded to Sacrifice entries.

Drip Drop Draw Tickets

# Drip Marketing

The purpose of the Drip Marketing Wallet is to hold allocated funds that will be used specifically for marketing activities to ensure that the Drip Network reaches a wider audience.

A portion of these funds will be used to finance the automation of Chainlink, which powers the verifiable randomness underlying the fairness of Drip Drop Draw's contracts

With a dedicated Marketing Wallet, the Drip Team can strategically plan and execute various marketing campaigns, including social media promotions, influencer collaborations, content creation, and targeted advertising.

# Chainlink VRF

Utilizing a robust and reliable Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) makes Drip Drop Draw a verifiably random game. This provides DDD players with provably fair outcomes which are impossible to corrupt.

# Influencer Referral Rewards

Through Drip Drop Draw's referral system, players have the opportunity to earn 5% of the tickets from each purchase made through their personal referral link.

By offering the opportunity to earn free tickets, Drip Drop Draw encourages ongoing engagement, rewards participants for their efforts, and fosters a vibrant and enthusiastic community.

How Referral System Works

One of the features of Drip Drop Draw is that it is unnecessary to have an active Drip Faucet account to participate; it is enough to quickly configure an upline by setting a buddy address.

The Onboarding system

By providing the referral link, users not so only have the opportunity to earn 5% in free tickets but can also form their own Drip Faucet team.